What is living as an Unbridled Soul all about?
This is about freedom
of the mind, heart and soul
At the precipice of fear and courage, you will discover growth
This does not apply to some, but to all who find these pages
The Feeling of Fear
I am sure it can be agreed that the feeling of fear is all consuming and uncomfortable. This is a matter of fact and if you pause for a moment and picture what this looks and feels like for you. You will then understand the context of what I am about to explain.
Have you noticed when you are at the precipice of doing something important to you, for example being honest with someone in an uncomfortable situation. Presenting a theory you believe in or asking someone for their perspective. Anything that makes you feel vulnerable. You will immediately feel hesitation or an inner warning that tells you “you are entering dangerous territory”. You may feel that you cannot speak the words that bring clarity or understanding. Your movements may be slower, your breath a little laboured? These examples are how it feels to be caught in a state of fear.
Stepping Into Courage
Often when you feel drawn to share something that is important to you. Such as your purpose, passions, values, boundaries and morals, that, is when fear steps in. Simply to protect you from what we fear most and that is rejection, disconnection and isolation from others.
Of course life and how it works, likes to be contradictory. Therefore it’s when we step into such a space and allow ourselves to be vulnerable that we find what we so desperately want. What we are so scared of losing. Acceptance, love, connection and understanding from the people we care about. What they see in us when we show up this way, is what they wish for themselves. To be brave enough to be authentic and true to themselves and what is important to them.
The Leap into Freedom
The more you can expose yourself to the vulnerability of sharing what is closest to your heart and mind, the more you will feel free and inspired to be your truest self from within your soul. This is because you would be releasing the preconceived ideas you have of your limitations and how others perceive you. This allows a space for your purpose, your passions and a fulfilled version of you to unfold.
This takes immense courage and it is a process of self discovery. We thrive when we are able to challenge ourselves and achieve goals we have set as to how we show up in the world and what we want to create in the world. You are your only obstacle between where you are now and where you would like to be.
The Feeling of Fear
For most, braving the edge of a cliff face is not by any means comfortable. Feeling your heart stutter in your chest. Heat flushing over your skin and your breaths coming in gasps. Every cell in your body screams at you to plant yourself on steady ground. Where you feel safe. It takes true courage to find a thrill in this challenge. To stare into the unknown space of your next step… and to fall.
She stands on the lip of the cliffs face, feet light and cautious. Her body a sculpture of strength. The wind whisps through her auburn curls, carrying the scent of the pine forest behind her, an encouraging nudge from the breath of gods and greater purpose. The river below whispers of the wonders she is yet to find if she has the courage to take the leap. She raises her face to the sky, allowing the kiss of the sunrays to sooth her nerves.
Stepping Into Courage
With her eyes closed it’s easier to imagine that her next step isn’t a few hundred feet above land. Although, being blinded from what she craved most allowed fear to seep into the darkness behind her eyelids and into her mind. Fear clutched her body as if Medusa herself had stared into her soul turning her blood to stone. The stone cold fear rising from her feet and clawing through her limbs, unsatisfied until her freedom of movement was stolen.
The spirit of the valley crafted by the hands of gods surrounded her. Brushing against her soul, reminding her that she is one with nature. Later, when she looked back she would remember that it was the feeling of trust that flows unconditionally in the natural way of life that began the cracking and crumbling of the fear that held her hostage.
With a deep breath and newfound determination, she allows clarity and vision to regain control. Her brow creases and she looks into the valley in front of her with challenge glinting in her emerald eyes. She observes the lush green pines. The gushing river winding through the valleys curves, a curtain of mist spraying into the air and carrying the scent of the earth.
The Leap Into Freedom
A macaws warrior cry echoes as he dives and slices through the air between the mountains. The embrace of natures grace fills her soul and with her own warrior cry, she takes a mighty leap. Feet finding hold on the edge of the cliff, her powerful muscles launch her into the air. A moment of weightlessness steals her breath and pauses the sacred drum beats of her heart, and she falls.
Only for the beat of her wings to catch her body and to ignite her soul with victory. Wings, powerful and iridescent, vivid greens, and brilliant blues, feathers of an angel doused in the colours of nature. The closest comparison would be the complex design of a peacocks feathers, of mother earth. She screams into the expanse of the valley with the fear that she has conquered and with the absolute freedom coursing through her veins as she follows the currents of the sky. It is with this feeling in her heart and soul that she knows, and will never forget, that she has in her the essence of the universe. She is an unbridled soul ready to create the world that she dares to live in. She flies knowing that she has all she needs within her. To make every dream and desire of hers, a reality.
As you will.
If you would like to explore concepts of awareness, perspectives of self and others and how to communicate regardless of circumstances, I will be doing so in both creative and logical styles to better explain concepts that I delve into. To explore the essence of what being a part of this human experience is all about, please flick over to my blog and explore with me.
About Me
what aspect of me, calls out to an aspect of you?

My Philosophy
We live by our own philosophy. Some without ever having the knowledge of this, and others driven by their curiosity to know more. The definition of “philosophy” from the Oxford Languages is “the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.” I have never considered my own philosophy as an academic discipline. I don’t believe I will but I know that when our theories, beliefs, ideas and passions are shared with one another we inevitably grow as people and it is on this basis, that we connect with one another. That’s what this is all about.
This is where my passion is and always has been. To delve into the depths of who we are, of finding ways to evolve so that we may live a life we can deem as free, joyful and ecstatic. To ensure our souls are vibrant and fully fed from the experience we live in, day by day.
There are certain principles that form the philosophy that I live by. Those principles are; Everything that happens in life is divinely orchestrated. There is balance in all that occurs and everything within us. Amor Fati. Self Awareness. Growth and Joy. There are many others but I believe for now these are the most important to share with you. In saying that, I thank you for arriving here with your open mind and open heart to explore the intrinsic nature of our lives and the exploration of our souls, with me.
My Philosophy Woven Into The Unbridled Soul Logo
If you have a look at my logo you will see that it encompasses all of these principals. Let me start by explaining the eyes connected in the shape of the Yin and Yang symbol. This is symbolic of the divine creation of our world and ourselves. The blue eye representing the etheric experience and the brown eye the worldly experience. All balanced and expressed through our connection with the Divine (God, Source, the Creator, whichever name you resonate with the most). The expression of the self, our interaction with others and the lifestyle we live.
The paths carved in between the eyes and meeting at the iris in the middle, symbolises that all happens exactly as it should, when it should. All Paths Cross for us (Unbridled Souls). Amor Fati is loving the nature of how this unfolds for us in the present, which is where we will find our self awareness, growth and joy.
Embodying The Philosophy
I believe the exploration and embodiment of these principles are fundamental to uncovering your most authentic self and therefore enabling you to live an unbridled life. This is what I do here, on my blog. I dedicate myself to my exploration of knowledge, our reality and our existence. This enables me to live my life in it’s fullest expression and experience true joy in the way I live this life.
I hope your exploration and perhaps embodiment of some of the concepts I share here provides you with the same excitement, thrill, depth and curiosity that occurs for me when I write here for me and for you. These concepts will stem from a range of sources. From my own experience, study and exposure to theories, ideas from Stoic Philosophy to works of current authors, and content that crosses my path. Really from one soul to another.
With much love,
Michelle – An Unbridled Soul.
I thank you for arriving here with your open mind and open heart to explore the intrinsic nature of our lives and the exploration of our souls, with me.
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