Your intuition is guiding you…
Are you listening? Remove the stories you have learnt to tell yourself and unmask who you truly are. Come home, to you.
Foundations of Exploration
To be unbridled is to be the truest version of you whilst being open, limitless, expressive, honest and bold. Shared below is a foundation to rediscover your most authentic self and to embody what that looks like, feels like and sounds like. To be an unbridled soul is to be home within yourself.

A foundation is built. The first pillar of mind, heart and soul exploration is awareness. Awareness is a new beginning and remember as often as there is a new moment, there is an opportunity to step straight into a new beginning. New beginnings are not limited, they do not appear as a once in a lifetime moment that you might miss if you blink. Are you on the precipice of change? A different outlook? A new adventure? This happens due to newfound awareness, of what was and what can be.

The second pillar cannot be without the first and so we are building… growing if you prefer. When you keep looking through the same lenses how could your perspective ever change? When a wider lens, an expanded perspective is in play, you have a more wholistic viewpoint of what is. You must be willing to consider alternate perspectives. Are you willing to look through multiple lenses or allow your perspective to stay the same, therefore resist change and new possibilities?

The crux of materialising the transmutation of what was, to what you wish to create, is communication. For a mind, heart and soul to be heard, seen and to be felt by another, their awareness and perspective must be expressed into reality. We are natural story tellers, you and I, and we are able to bring to life what is true to us and what is true can be chosen and realised. Do you want to be heard, seen and felt by another? If so, will you be bold and share your awareness and perspective on life with another?
What does this look like?
Exploration Process
My intention is to provoke the mind, heart and soul because this is what I believe the soul craves. On this blog my posts will be driven by awareness of ideas, concepts and ways of life, to explore perspectives without judgement so that we may grow into our most authentic selves which is home. Through communication of awareness and perspective I invite more people to be unbridled, to release yourself of who you believe you are and to unmask who you truly are, that which you have always envisioned.
Becoming aware
Sometimes I wonder why a thought process or belief has stayed with me for as long as it has. Sometimes I wonder what motivates people to act a certain way and sometimes I wonder why people are comfortable in roles they play that make them unhappy. This initial thought, curiosity, is what I would call awareness. How often do you get curious?
Consider your perspective
We often rely on our own perspective and like to call it truth. We create a story and our hearts believe it. “I’m not good enough”, “I don’t know enough”, “they don’t truly love me”, “this is the best way”, “I have no choice” and “I cannot change this”. The list goes on and I’m sure something along these lines has just popped up clearly for you. It is stories like this that I would like to challenge your perspective on. Furthermore, I invite you to consider another.
Be bold and communicate
Your beliefs, your way of life, who you are and how you show up all reveal your truest self. When you exercise awareness, perspective and communication. These pillars combined create a bridge between my reality and yours. Between your reality and the one you wish to connect with, whether that is your friend, your partner, your family, an audience perhaps? Your authentic self has always been there but the question is have you been hiding behind masks? Have you allowed yourself the space to experience your authentic self?