You Create Your Reality
Can two alternatives, that technically oppose one another be true? We know of paradoxes but have you considered this one yet? Heidi Hosking, author of The Game of Life, How to Play The New Way, consolidates the first part of this paradox perfectly. I’ll paraphrase ‘you are the main player in the game of life and all that occurs ‘externally’ to you, is a reflection of what is occurring internally. There are no exceptions.’
Feel free to test this theory in the reality of your game. Have you felt irritation rise up in your belly and chest? You then try and push through this emotion but not long thereafter there is someone that provokes you. Maybe you drop your phone or you trip over something. The world is a fully immersive playing field for you and your inner expression. I am sure you have heard of the saying that you are a soul having a human experience not the other way around. I believe this is true.
The Divine Creates Your Reality
It’s easy to get lost in the thought process that everything is mapped out and you have no control. P.S. you have no control either way. Allow part two of the paradox to provide a sense of relief: ‘everything is divinely orchestrated for the highest good of all beings’. You may lift that weight from your shoulders now. Have you ever experienced a thought or desire to try something new. Then all of a sudden you get a call from someone inviting you to go and try that new thing? Or you look across the street and you see a sign that has a time and date for that activity. Have you ever missed out on a job opportunity because they chose someone else? You’re then offered another role that you appreciate more than the initial option, elsewhere.
Some people call these coincidences (have a think about ‘coincidences’ that have occurred for you). Although, there are no accidents, and everything happens for a reason. This is The Divine (God, Source, the Creator, whichever name most resonates for you) constantly in communication with you, speaking to you through others and circumstantial changes. The Divine guides you on a path made specifically for you. In a way that ties perfectly into the lives of those around you, your surroundings and circumstances, and for the benefit and growth of you. That little Lego piece that wasn’t there a second ago, yup you guessed it, that was intentional, and also divinely orchestrated.
The Key To The Paradox
The key to embrace and balance both concepts of you creating your reality from within and The Divine laying out a divinely orchestrated plan, is captured beautifully in one Latin phrase “Amor Fati”. This is to love ones fate, to accept that you will never know what happens next but that your internal blueprint will unfold beautifully in the present moment if you are willing and open to observe and accept it. You can delve deeper into the concept of presence in another post called The Clearest Lens! In the post, I mention three views of life that I found through Heidi’s book. Heidi’s book provides valuable tools to use as your life unfolds. I would highly recommend having a look at it. In my post I will be extrapolating on the views and how you can use them as forces of motivation.
To explain Amor Fati in more detail; if you are able to be present and understand that all is happening FOR you, and not ‘to’ you, then you will be able to see the silver lining and straight into your higher destiny, at that point in time or soon after. This encourages gratitude. Gratitude being the ultimate state of receivership. The silver lining may be clearing stagnant emotion within yourself, understanding your capabilities. You could be practicing skills required for the future you, or simply having an immersive experience. The answer will be different each time.
“Amor Fati” – this is to love ones fate, to accept that you will never know what happens next but that your internal blueprint will unfold beautifully in the present moment if you are willing and open to observe and accept it.
Michelle – an unbridled soul
What Does Faith Mean To You?
Another way to look at Amor Fati is to understand that it is one and the same as Faith. What does faith mean to you? Have you taken the time to consider what pulls you forward? The stronger the connection with what that may mean for you, enables you to fully lean into what happens next. When you have faith on your side, you have a superpower. Accessible to all but made unique by each persons own expression of how faith is embodied.
Let me give you an example. As I’m writing this post, I have fears that this may not be written in the most articulate way. If I should elaborate more on certain points. (e.g. examples of faith, benefits of faith, the current state of faith in the world and in peoples hearts, the separation and the way it brings communities together.) I worry that this post may not reach many people, that some people may be offended or disagree with this content. (All conversations for another time.) This kind of thought process and emotion make us human. The courage to continue writing, comes from knowing and understanding that everyone who is meant to lay eyes on these words, will. Not by my own design but by the guidance we all have by our side, whether we know it or not.
I also believe that we all have our own audience. Whether this is one person, one hundred, or one million and beyond. They will find us, as The Divine is having conversations with you through others, so what makes you believe that The Divine, is not conversing through you too? The thoughts, ideas, passions and dreams stored within you, is an expression of the divine through a unique essence, you. A word closely related to faith that makes this tricky, is trust.
Balancing And Embracing The Paradox
To entrust your life to something omnipotent is the fine line between terror and joy. Destruction and creation. Mundane and magical. Although The Divine is benevolent, it does not hesitate to cross the line of what you may believe is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Either is a direct reflection of your perspective and emotion you decide to attach to your reality at any given moment. This can change. All designed for the depth of your human experience here on Earth.
This is eternally unfolding and divinely designed. You can see an example of this in the silver lining of any traumatic experience. Whether you connect more deeply with yourself, your strength, your resilience, your emotions, your capabilities or with someone else. I will not give any specific examples of silver lining, to create an invitation for you to look into your life and see what has come from a specific traumatic experience personally. I invite you to make a list of both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ from that experience, to equal proportion. If an equal list co-exists ask yourself if your experiences can truly be labeled as such. I can guarantee you it does. This is what I would call balance.
Live By Amor Fati
To live by Amor Fati is to accept and love life as it unfolds FOR you. This does not mean life is perfect. In fact, sometimes the hardest part is the battle within when s**t hits the fan, within that experience I do not expect you to love the s**t. Simply to know that after destruction there is a time for recovery and growth and that beauty always awaits with the setting of the moon and the rising of the sun and visa versa. With the beauty that comes from your recovery and growth there is or will be a new lens to look through at all of your experiences. Amor Fati is to have faith and to live knowing that your co-creation has no limits. With a little bit of trust, in yourself, in The Divine and with presence, you can be a fully expressive, Unbridled Soul.
Ask, Comment or Share
I would absolutely love for you to lean into this space. Please ask any questions you might have. Comment if there was something that really caught your attention. You are most welcome if you would like to share.
Share and Journal Prompts
Here are some prompts for your share, or they can be used as journal prompts. Do you believe that you are a co-creator in life? What silver lining have you found in your life and what magic has that created in your life now? What does faith mean to you? Will you lean into Amor Fati?